
The module allows for staking ADA (also called delegation), withdrawing the stake and retrieving information about pools. This part of the functionality relies heavily on custom data structures, so you may also check their descriptions.

Querying pools

To query for a list of staking pools, Wallet.stake_pools() may be used. It accepts the amount of the stake as optional argument, otherwise it uses wallet’s current total balance.

The result is a list of pools, represented by StakePoolInfo and sorted by expected long-term interest, from highest to lowest.

In [30]: pools = wallet.stake_pools()

In [31]: pools[0]
Out[31]: StakePoolInfo(id='pool1tzmx7k40sm8kheam3pr2d4yexrp3jmv8l50suj6crnvn6dc2429', status=<StakePoolStatus.ACTIVE: 1>, ticker=None, name=None, description=None, homepage=None, rewards=StakeRewardMetrics(expected=Decimal('0.182832'), stake=Decimal('1051.689055')), cost=Decimal('340.000000'), margin=Decimal('0.035'), pledge=Decimal('54000000.000000'), relative_stake=Decimal('0.0014'), saturation=Decimal('0.7001171530343129'), produced_blocks=1091, retirement=None)

You may query pools regardless of whether the wallet is currently delegating or not.

Staking status

The wallet might be in one of two states: delegating or not delegating. Additionally, once delegation or withdrawal have been scheduled, they would also appear in the list of planned future operations.

In [32]: wallet.staking_status()
Out[32]: (StakingStatus(delegating=True, target_id='pool1tzmx7k40sm8kheam3pr2d4yexrp3jmv8l50suj6crnvn6dc2429', changes_at=None), [])

The second element of the tuple returned by Wallet.staking_status() is a list of scheduled future staking status changes.


Once decided which stake pool to use, you may delegate the wallet’s balance there. The first argument must be either pool’s ID or one of the StakePoolInfo objects returned from pool query described above.

If successful, the result will be the delegation transaction.

In [33]: tx = wallet.stake("pool1xqh4kl5gzn4av7uf32lxas5k8tsfgvhy3hlnrg0fdp98q42jswr")

In [34]: tx.amount_out
Out[34]: Decimal('2.000000')


Cancelling an ongoing delegation is pretty straightforward. Just use the Wallet.unstake() method, providing a passphrase and you will get the unstaking transaction as the result.

However, if you have a positive reward balance in the wallet, it needs to be withdrawn first. You may do it by calling the Wallet.transfer() method for an amount higher than the accumulated reward and directing it to your first unused local address, for example:

In [33]: wallet.balance()
Out[33]: Balance(total=Decimal('1050.770234'), available=Decimal('1050.520254'), reward=Decimal('0.249980'))

In [34]: wtx = wallet.transfer(wallet.first_unused_address(), Decimal(1), allow_withdrawal=True)

In [35]: wtx.withdrawals
Out[35]: [(Decimal('0.249980'), 'stake_test1urk6dxxc3qp9mk7hvjpm95acm6vp2evjm6fdg8542s3jg8qtsgmvf')]

In [36]: utx = wallet.unstake()

In [37]: wallet.staking_status()
Out[37]: (StakingStatus(delegating=True, target_id='pool1tzmx7k40sm8kheam3pr2d4yexrp3jmv8l50suj6crnvn6dc2429', changes_at=None), [StakingStatus(delegating=False, target_id=None, changes_at=Epoch(number=134, starts=datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 24, 20, 20, 16, tzinfo=tzutc())))])