Constants and simple types

These submodules contain constants and simple types used to represent Cardano data structures that don’t need any internal functionality.

API reference

class cardano.consts.Era(value)

Represents Cardano era, a distinct phase of platform development.


Do NOT use the integer values directly. There are new Eras being introduced, as for example Allegra and Mary were inserted as stepping stones into full Goguen. However, you may use comparison operators between them, to check which was earlier or later than the other one.

class cardano.simpletypes.AssetID(asset_name, policy_id)

Represents the ID of a native Cardano asset. It consists of asset name and policy ID. It renders as string representation of asset_name:policy_id.

The asset_name is always kept encoded as hexadecimal string and must be passed to the constructor as such.

The .name_bytes property is a bytes decoded representation of the hex. Because Cardano allows full ASCII set to be used in asset names, some of them are not safe to be displayed directly.

class cardano.simpletypes.Balance(total, available, reward)

Represents a balance of asset, including total, principal and reward

property available

The principal, i.e. the total minus staking rewards

property reward

The staking rewards (interest)

property total

The total balance

class cardano.simpletypes.BlockPosition(epoch, slot, absolute_slot, height)

Represents block’s position within the blockchain

property absolute_slot

Absolute slot number

property epoch

Epoch number

property height

Block number (height of the chain) [optional]

property slot

Slot number

class cardano.simpletypes.Epoch(number, starts)
property number

Alias for field number 0

property starts

Alias for field number 1

class cardano.simpletypes.StakePoolInfo(id, status, ticker, name, description, homepage, rewards, cost, margin, pledge, relative_stake, saturation, produced_blocks, retirement)

Stores stake pool data

property cost

Fixed pool running cost in ADA

property description


property homepage

Homepage URL

property id

Unique ID

property margin

Operator’s margin on the total reward before splitting it among stakeholders (as Decimal fraction)

property name


property pledge

Minimal stake amount that the pool is willing to honor

property produced_blocks

Number of blocks produced by a given stake pool in its lifetime.

property relative_stake

The live pool stake relative to the total stake

property retirement

The Epoch in which the pool retires

property rewards

Alias for field number 6

property saturation

Saturation-level of the pool based on the desired number of pools aimed by the network. A value above 1 indicates that the pool is saturated.

property status

Status, one of StakePoolStatus enum

property ticker

3-5 chars long ticker

class cardano.simpletypes.StakePoolStatus(value)

Represents stake pool status

class cardano.simpletypes.StakeRewardMetrics(expected, stake)

Represents stake pool reward metrics

property expected

Expected rewards at the end of an epoch, in ADA

property stake

Staked amount against which rewards were calculated, in ADA

class cardano.simpletypes.StakingStatus(delegating, target_id, changes_at)

Wallet’s staking status

property changes_at

Epoch since which the change comes live

property delegating

Whether the wallet is actively delegating

property target_id

The ID of the pool the wallet is delegating to