UTXO stats ========== The :class:`Wallet ` has a ``utxo_stats()`` method which returns a histogram of :abbr:`UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output)` statistics. The result consists of three elements: total balance, histogram, scale. The histogram part is a list of ``(threshold, number)`` pairs where the number describes how many UTXOs are available between the given threshold and the lower one. The scale so far is always ``"log10"``. .. code-block:: python In [40]: total, dist, scale = wallet.utxo_stats() In [41]: total Out[41]: Decimal('1052.422864') In [42]: scale Out[42]: 'log10' In [43]: print("\n".join(["{:18.6f}: {:4d}".format(*d) for d in dist.items()])) 0.000010: 0 0.000100: 0 0.001000: 0 0.010000: 0 0.100000: 0 1.000000: 1 10.000000: 16 100.000000: 0 1000.000000: 2 10000.000000: 0 100000.000000: 0 1000000.000000: 0 10000000.000000: 0 100000000.000000: 0 1000000000.000000: 0 10000000000.000000: 0 45000000000.000000: 0